Helping you make an informed decision this election year

We've created a tool that helps inform your voting decision by comparing manifesto materials each party has published. No political gamesmanship, tabloid comment, or rhetoric has been added. Just 100% manifestos and pledges.

Manifesto summaries


Labour logo.

Our plan to change Britain.

Key policy focus:

  • Deliver Economic Stability
  • Cut NHS Waiting Times
  • Set Up Great British Energy

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Conservatives logo.

Secure Britains future.

Key policy focus:

  • Controlling Migration
  • Restoring Economic Stability
  • Introduce a modern National Service

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Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats logo.

For a fair deal.

Key policy focus:

  • Invest in renewable power and home insulation
  • Shift power from Westminster to local communities
  • Increasing funding for Social Care

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Green Party

Green Party logo.

Real hope. Real Change

Key policy focus:

  • Achieve net zero by 2030
  • Invest in renewable energy
  • Support public transport and cycling infrastructure

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Reform UK

Reform UK logo.

Britain is broken. Britain needs reform.

Key policy focus:

  • Reduce net migration to zero
  • Implement strict measures to control public spending
  • Scrap Net Zero and related subsidies

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Scottish National Party

Scottish National Party logo.

Scotland is paying the price of Westminster control.

Key policy focus:

  • Deliver Scottish independence
  • Reverse austerity cuts
  • Protect the NHS

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